

How to have and maintain your apartment or house with the aroma of freshness

Have you ever forgotten to take out the trash before the holidays? You come home to a house full of a very unpleasant smell. Even when trash is discarded, the smell can persist for days.

While it may be tempting to spray the house with a store-bought air freshener, these contain chemicals that are harmful to human health.

Therefore, in this article we want to leave some recommendations and ways to give that rich and fresh smell to your home, naturally.

Use Baking Soda

Many mixtures to deodorize rooms require baking soda. Why is this? Baking soda or baking soda has a low pH level. Most bad odors have a high pH level, which means they are acidic. By adding baking soda to the environment, you are neutralizing the area, causing the smell to fade.

Use essential oils for each room

By making this DIY room deodorant, you can choose your preferred natural aroma to use. If you're not sure which will smell better, here are some essential oil suggestions for each room.

living room

The living room is an area where you will host people as well as relax. Depending on the tone you're trying to set, vanilla or cinnamon essential oil might be a good choice. Vanilla is known to enhance relaxation and create a peaceful environment. If you want to relax after a long day in your immaculately clean living room, vanilla is the right choice for you. For those who invite their friends to a book club or social event, cinnamon might be a better option. The aroma of cinnamon strengthens memory and increases alertness.


Make cooking a productive place using a citrus essential oil or mint. If you have a long afternoon of preparations, citrus fruits are known to increase energy and improve your mood. For non-chefs who may get frustrated in the kitchen, a minty aroma will relieve stress and reduce irritability.


A resting space, the bedroom can benefit from the essential oils of lavender or chamomile. These soothing scents reduce anxiety. Lavender also promotes relaxation, which can help you fall asleep. Chamomile can improve your mood, ideal for those who wake up from the wrong side of the bed.

Other rooms

If you have a laundry room, a games room, or any other room that needs to be deodorized, you might consider tea tree or eucalyptus oils. Each of these natural smells has its own unique properties. Tea tree oil has antifungal benefits and is an immune booster. Eucalyptus essential oil is cleansing and known for lifting the mood. Both will help keep your space clean.

Source: Apartment Guide

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